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Newspaper Articles

Closeup Daniel Wissler New Castle Courier 6/20/1873. Real Estate Transfers. "Daniel B. Wissler to Abraham Wissler w h n e q s 29 t17 v 123 acres and 5 rods - $500"

Closeup Daniel Wissler Richmond Enterprise 8/7/1891 Real Estate Transfers "Daniel B. Wissler to Elizabeth Rohrer et al (quit claim) an undivided 1/7 of 24 1/2 acres in the S 1/2 of the W 1/2 of the NW qtr. of section 33, township 17, range 12, 3 3/4 miles SW of Hagerstown $400" MORE...

Closeup R Thomas & Payne - Kokomo Saturday Tribune 5/7/1881 Postal Card News "Miss Mattie Payne is the guest of Reuben Thomas."

Closeup Reuben Thomas Kokomo Saturday Tribune 3/4/1882 "Names of Farmers to whom we have sold The Casaday Sulky Plow in 1881 - Henry Thomas, Reuben Thomas"

Closeup WOW & Muriel Thomas The Indianapolis Journal 8/28/1903 “WISSLER-THOMAS Last evening at the home of the bride in Hemlock, Ind. Prof. W.O.Wissler, assistant principal of the Cambridge City High School, and Miss Bertha Muriel Thomas were married. They will be at home at Cambridge City after Sept. 15.”

Closeup R. Thomas Kokomo Evening Gazette Tribune 8/20/1888 "...a crowd filling the school room was speedily gathered, a club of 30 was at once organized and the following officers elected: ...Vice President - Reuben Thomas."

Closeup WOW Hagerstown Exponent 2/1/1900 “W.O.Wissler is visiting the patrons of his school of nights which is a very kind and pleasant act to do./Wissler Bros. are cutting a lot of wood for F.Bowers../J.Wissler & wife and M.Wissler & family dined with F.Bowers on Sunday. Suppose they knew that WOW was 26 yrs old that day; he makes his home with Mr & Mrs Bowers.”

Closeup WOW &F.Bowers Hagerstown Exponent 3/8/1900 “F.Bowers opened his sugar camp last Saturday./W.O.Wissler and his brother David visited relatives in Cambridge City over Sunday.” MORE…

Closeup WOW & Muriel Hagerstown Exponent 9/3/1903 “John Wissler [& others] were entertained Sunday by Frank Bowers and his wife in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Wissler. About 100 of W.O. Wissler’s young friends gave him a serenading Monday night at the home of Frank Bowers and wife. W.O. Wissler and wife attended the Institute at Richmond the first of the week.”

Closeup R Thomas Kokomo  12/6/1904 “ There was another oil flurry Monday over east of Oakford, caused by the report that the Henry and Reuben Thomas wells…were showing a decrease in the flow of gas and a decided increase in the flow of oil. Reuben Thomas was in the city yesterday and to a Tribune representative verified the statement.”

Closeup R Thomas Kokomo Daily Tribune 4/6/1905 “The splendid gas well recently developed on the Henry Thomas farm a half-mile east of Oakford, shows no signs of weakening. A second well has been started on the Reuben Thomas farm, a half a mile north of the first well.”

Closeup WOW The Richmond Palladium and Sun Telegram 4/9/19007 “SCHOOL CHILDREN WORK FOR FAVORITE TEACHERS; HOW THE VOTE STANDS; MAN TEACHER: W.O. Wissler Garfield School……39 [votes]. Prof. W.O. Wissler of the Garfield gets the largest vote thus far.”

Closeup Reuben & Ellen Thomas Kokomo Daily Tribune 12/3/1908 “…Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Thomas [and others] attended the Friends quarterly meeting in Hazel Dell Saturday.”

Closeup Oakley Polk and Hilda Shute The New Castle Morning Star 7/14/1913 “DINNER THIS EVENING  A most elaborate social event of the summer will be the dinner given this evening by the members of the Sewing club and several gentlemen at the Bundy House at nine o’clock honoring… Miss Hilda Shute of Richmond and Mr. Oakley Polk…”  “COMES THIS WEEK Leonard Clawson is expected this week from SF CA to visit his parents and attend the wedding of Miss Hilda Shute and Oakley Polk at Richmond Thursday morning.”

Closeup Polk-Shute The Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram 7/16/1913 “One of the big social affairs of the season was the banquet at the Bundy Hotel…After the table was cleared, Dr MacDonald acting as toastmaster called upon [several guests] and Mr. Oakley Polk, [who] responded with The Pride of the Quaker City.”

Closeup Hilda Polk The New Castle Morning Star 11/17/13 “ONE O’CLOCK LUNCHEON “…entertained the members of the Altruistic Club on Sat. with a …luncheon…Following the elegant menu, a Shakespearean farce was enjoyed by the guests, the participants being…Mrs. Oakley Polk…and Mrs. Oakley Polk gave some piano selections, which concluded the excellent program.”

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Last updated May 2023 

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